Patient Home Care Following Crown or Bridge Appointment

If you have just had a crown or bridge appointment, you might want to pay attention to a couple of things. Since you do not want your new crown to break, you have to avoid doing several things. Other than that, you should also learn how to take care of your new permanent crown to ensure its longevity.

Taking care of your new crown is not that hard. All you need to do is to follow a couple of ground rules. And luckily for you, we are going to give you a couple of helpful tips that will ensure the health of your new crown or bridge.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Taking Care of Your Crown

If you just had an anesthetic, you might want to think about avoiding biting the inside of your cheeks and your tongue. You should also avoid eating chewy foods, at least until you do not feel numb anymore. This is because you need to make sure that your temporary crown or bridge stays in place until your dentist places a permanent crown.

If you feel like your crown is dislodged or if you feel any discomfort, you might want to see your dentist as soon as possible. One thing you should avoid is attempting to glue the crown back on yourself. This is because your teeth may become sensitive. You can temporarily hold the crown with a denture adhesive until you can have an appointment with your dentist.

To ensure the health of your crown or bridge, you also need to avoid a couple of things. First of all, you should avoid chewing anything too hard or sticky, especially on the temporary crown or bridge. That is why you should avoid chewing gum, taffy, hard candy, or hard crusty bread.

Taking Care of Your Crown or Bridge Long-Term

Once you have your crown or bridge cemented, you should expect a couple of things. You might experience sensitivity to cold on your new crown or bridge since you will experience irritation from the cement. You can use sensitive toothpaste to take care of this problem.

You might also feel like your bite gets off for a couple of days. You should call your dentist and make an appointment for slight adjustments if this ever happens. And of course, you should always maintain great oral hygiene for your new crown or bridge.

Taking care of your new crown or bridge might sound tricky. But as long as you know what to do and what to avoid, you will do just fine. And that is everything you need to know about taking care of your crown or bridge.

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