Teeth whitening is one of the most popular treatment for cosmetic rehabilitation as it is one of the easiest to do with whitening gel that contain hydrogen peroxide 10 to 40 % and activated by special light, quickest just need 1 appointment (45 to 60 minutes) , and the least expensive comparing to other cosmetic dental treatment. For those of you who have teeth that stained with yellow or brown colour due to smoking, coffee or tea addict, red wine, or eat any color food or drink is eligible to have this teeth whitening in Bali Family Dental Care. For those of you who still smoke cigarette everyday, this kind of treatment may not be beneficial to you, as the nicotine smoke will make your teeth stain again in no time.
Need 1 appointment with 45 to 60 minutes chair side duration. A cleaning/tooth scaling may needed before doing whitening treatment.
Please consult with our dentist first for your tooth condition, if you have filling, crown, veneer in the front tooth area, it will not become whiter as whitening material only work on tooth structure.
Sensitivity after teeth whitening
Please avoid eating or drink, even smoking in 2 to 3 days after the whitening treatment as the stain can trap inside the enamel tubuli canal and stain your teeth even more. It will take time and effort in the dentist to remove this stain.
Burning in the gum if the whitening gel in contact with your oral mucosa. Your dentist will give you a gel if this happen to relieve the pain and faster healing.
There will be no warranty for how much is teeth whitening can make your teeth whiter and how long it will last, as it really depend on your tooth structure and habit.
Teeth whitening price is Rp 2,500,000 or check price list here
Esthetic smile
Tooth scalling
after teeth whitening in balibefore teeth whitening in Baliafter teeth whitening in balibefore teeth whitening in Bali