Things You Should Know about Dental Implant Surgery Aftercare

Do you plan to have dental implant surgery soon? The very first thing you should know is what you should do after the surgery. Here, we have several things you should know about dos and don’ts after dental implant surgery.

The Forbidden Acts

 After dental implant surgery, there are many things you shouldn’t do, such as:

  • Smoking or using nicotine products,
  • Alcohol (at least 3 days after surgery),
  • Hot liquid,
  • Hard to chew food or crunchy food.

Smoking is out of the question. Cigarettes only slow down the healing process. Therefore, avoid it and have enough rest. Refrain from having hard physical activity.

Antibiotics after Dental Implant Surgery

Do you need it? The answer is no, you don’t need it, except, the dentist prescribes one because they detect symptoms or infection on the dental implant tissue. Otherwise, you shouldn’t try to get antibiotics yourself.

Sleeping Position

Put two pillows behind your head. You should sleep in a propped-up position, which allows the blood to flow easily away from the dental implant area. It is necessary to prevent severe bleeding that could happen during your sleep.

Also, you can put a towel to cover your pillow before you sleep. With the dental implant, your mouth will produce more saliva. So, this one is to deal with that. Moreover, blood also could mix into saliva, which is difficult to clean when it stains your pillow.

Do Not Drink Coffee

Avoid coffee or other hot beverage for at least 2 to 3 days after the surgery. After that, you can enjoy them. But, remember to brush your teeth after drinking to keep your mouth clean.

Recovery Time Until You Can Eat Normally

Dental implant surgery is a minor surgery. So, you won’t need to wait for too long before you can eat like before. You can drink after the surgery (except hot drink). Keep eating soft foods for a few days after the surgery. After a week, most patients can return to their usual diet.

Also, try to chew on the side that doesn’t have the implant. It would take a whole month before you can use the implant side normally. Stay hydrated by drinking room temperature fluids and do not use a straw. If you can follow all steps above, you can return to your normal eating habit in a week. Of course, you should visit the dentist regularly to check your condition. In most cases, the dentist will tell you when you can eat normally.

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